Books about Handwriting Analysis
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Handwriting Analysis (Alpha
Books/Macmillan) - A comprehensive guide to the gestalt method of
graphology, with plenty of valuable information, even for the
experienced handwriting analyst. Also resources for correspondence
courses, organizations, certification, and guidelines on how to sell
your services, plus much more (Macmillan, 1999) Autographed $16.95
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» Handwriting
of the Famous & Infamous
(Metro Books) - Handwriting samples of 75 authors, politicians,
musicians and more, and an analysis of their handwriting. Also features
handwriting analysis tips. Autographed $12.98 (this title is currently
out of print. Check
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»Poison Pen (Capital Crime Press) - Lindsey Alexander, a top Hollywood publicist, has apparently committed suicide. Her friend and business manager isn't so sure, and he retains Claudia to examine the purported suicide note. Claudia was well acquainted with Lindsey, having experienced her ruthless self-promotion first-hand. As the story progresses, Claudia discovers Lindsey's secret side business, and the questions begin to mount, along with possible suspects who include a U.S. senator and a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon.
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Handwriting Monographs
Order three, get the fourth one free* Order the whole set, qualify for 20% discount!
» Character
Structure and Handwriting:
the schizoid, obsessional, hysteric and depressive personalities -
Explore personality development and see what happens when early
childhood trauma interferes with normal emotional growth. The oral,
anal and phallic periods of life are discussed in this monograph. Learn
what to look for in handwriting to understand these stages of
development. Provides an overview of personality development under
stress. $20
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» Jung's
Typologies Applied to Handwriting
- Do you need to know how to make a quick assessment of a handwriting?
Typologies are a valuable resource to help you get an instant
understanding of personality. Using the Myers-Briggs Temperament
Indicator, this monograph helps you to quickly recognize and identify
the writer's type. $15
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» Graphology
In Industry, Marketing Yourself
- Now you're certified and ready to develop a graphological practice,
but how do you do it? The first part of this monograph contains many
practical hints on getting into a handwriting consulting business,
while the second part provides information you can use to create an
effective marketing tool for yourself, and includes a booklet you can
give to clients. Using the methods outlined in Graphology in
Industry, the author created her own self-supporting
practice. $15
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Serial Killers: The Face of Evil
- What makes up the personality of a serial killer? What kind of
childhood did he have? Is it possible to predict the "serial killer
personality" from handwriting? Explore the answers to these fascinating
questions in this new monograph. $15
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The Vanguard Newsletter
- A quarterly newsletter devoted to the business of handwriting
analysis. The Vanguard is filled with hints and tips from other
successful analysts who are willing to share their expertise. You are
invited to send in your own tips, questions and problems you face as an
analyst. $25 electronic version (pdf format) or $30
snail mail. Vanguard Anthology - All issues published from 1992-2002
on CD.
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Beneath It All: The Lower Zone & Your
- A thorough explanation of the lower zone, where basic drives and
memories are stored. Learn the difference between fantasy and
imagination, intuition, and conscious thought. Through a discussion of
the Freudian concept of the id, discover how the lower zone distributes
the energy of the personality. Many fascinating and unusual handwriting
samples. $10
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Compendium of Descriptive Paragraphs
- If you've ever been at a loss on what to say in an analysis, you need
the Compendium. Just look up the personality characteristic you want to
describe and you'll find a whole list of paragraphs to choose from.
Over one hundred different characteristics discussed. $40.00
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Answers to Legal Questions Affecting Graphologists
- A lawyer and a handwriting analyst tackle important questions facing
handwriting professionals: privacy, copyright, EEOC, ADA and more. $20
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» Dealing With Your Pain: Coping &
Defense Mechanisms
- Learn about the many defenses that we use to help deal with the
unpleasant experiences of life and see where these can be detected in
handwriting: Repression, denial, aggression, self-criticism, or any of
the other myriads of defenses. You will undoubtedly find yourself
somewhere in these pages. $10
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Marketing Tools for the Handwriting Professional
- A collection of forms, marketing letters, and contracts for
handwriting professional, Tools will provide what you need to help get
your handwriting analysis practice off the ground. Hard copy $25
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Lectures That Sell
- How to prepare a business lecture and deliver it effectively. A
sample business lecture is included, along with masters you can use to
make transparencies for the lecture. $15
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The Addictive
Personality & Its Handwriting - What do shopping,
eating, religion, the Internet, alcohol and talking
have in common? Includes features of the addictive personality; four
types of abusive family structures; characteristics of the healthy
personality. $15.00
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Free one equal to the lowest priced monograph ordered.
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